Sony, ESPN to launch JV in India later this month

12 Jan, 2016 – Sony Pictures Network (SPN) and ESPN are launching two co-branded sports channels on direct-to-home (DTH) platforms in India on 17 January 2016.

Replacing Sony Kix, Sony ESPN and Sony ESPN HD will also gradually be rolled out across India’s cable networks. They will join existing SPN sports offering Sony Six, and may be joined by other channels as well as a multi-platform sports app in the future.

“At least two more channels are there in the pipeline and if the content demands more, we might launch more. But at this stage, we have two channels launching on 17 January and two more in the near future,” said Ramesh Kumar, VP ESPN India and South Asia.

The news comes after the conclusion of a three -ar separation from ESPN’s previous business partner in India, Star.

Read more at Rapid TV News

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