The Interview, starring Seth Rogen and James Franco, has received more attention than anyone could have ever predicted. The relatively absurd political comedy was always meant to provoke, but few could have anticipated it would turn into a full-scale international scandal with real geo-political implications. The entire affair may also be remembered as a tipping point that raised the awareness of corporate hacking and cyber-crime – two issues that every company, regardless of their industry, will have to deal with going forward.
From a commercial perspective, The Interview also became a high-profile test case in releasing films simultaneously on digital platforms and theatrically. Although it was not a true worldwide release, platforms originally limited the digital release to North America, the movie became a cause célèbre for freedom of speech and received an inordinate amount of press coverage. The box office and VOD figures are still being calculated, but will The Interview change how films are released?
The Interview and Simultaneous VOD and Theatrical Release. Thoughts in 6 words or less? #TheInterviewFilmRelease #casbaa2020
— CASBAA (@CASBAAHK) January 21, 2015
A Rogen Oscar is more likely MT @casbaahk The Interview = Start of Simultaneous VOD/Theatrical Release? Thoughts in 6 words? #casbaa2020 — Matt Pollins (@mattpollins) January 21, 2015
@CASBAAHK Like it or not, seems inevitable. #SimultaneousMultiplatform+TheatricalRelease #6wordsorless — Bing Kimpo (@bingkimpo) January 22, 2015
@CASBAAHK VOD Windows will shorten – occasionally simultaneous #Casbaa2020 #TheInterviewFilmRelease #6WordsOrLess — matthew kurlanzik (@mkurlanzik) January 22, 2015
@CASBAAHK They took what they could get #Casbaa2020 #TheInterviewFilmRelease #6WordsOrLess — Mark Lay (@markdlay) January 22, 2015
@CASBAAHK Makes me want a 4K TV. #theinterviewfilmrelease #casbaa2020 #6wordsorless #maybenotforthismoviebutothers #watchinmypjs — Sara L Madera (@SaraLMadera) January 26, 2015
@CASBAAHK Go global or don't even bother! #casbaa2020 #theinterviewfilmrelease #6wordsorless
— Khush Kundi (@KhushTV) February 2, 2015