Blog Archives
Trai fallout: DTH to get channels at lower cost
Govt to extend Cas in phased manner, calls for special meeting before fixing dates
CASBAA’s submission to the office of USTR on ACTA
CASBAA submits to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative on supporting the negotiation of an Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.
CASBAA’s submission to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
CASBAA responses to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) Consultation Paper on “Restructuring of Cable TV Services” in March 2008.
CASBAA’s submission to the office of USTR
CASBAA’s submission to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative on practices and policies of trading partners in the Asia-Pacific that deny adequate and effective copyright protection to the television broadcast content of CASBAA’s member companies.
India’s telecom regulator wants spectrum auction – India’s telecoms regulator has recommended that spectrum required for mobile television services be auctioned.
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New study finds terrestrial wireless deployments fall far short of projections
A Futron study shows that underperformance of wireless adoption, combined with severe Wi-MAX interference, argues strongly against proposed reallocation of C-band spectrum.
Unesco should pursue broadcasting rights with Wipo: Arjun Singh – Indian Minister Arjun Singh has expressed the hope that Unesco would continue to play a more proactive role at WIPO discussions on the Rights of Broadcasting Organizations.
Position paper on recent developments of C Band
Various regional and sub-regional groups have reached conclusions on whether some or all of the 3400-4200 MHz band (“C band”) should be identified for IMT and there is a clear trend towards ‘no change’ to the current uses of the band.
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